Saturday, April 11, 2009

An Intelligent Shyness

Part 1:: I am writing about-

This is a story of a guy who always wants facts & figures. If you see in his deep, lovely eyes then you can hear a voice coming from his heart- “If you don't understand my silence then you can't understand my words !!”

Before I start, I want to clear that I am talking about a champion... Its a truth which I will reveal as I will proceed.

So I am talking about a guy who was often misunderstood from his childhood as the people suppose him not to talk. But I am going to tell you the secret about his quietness. He is like the most calm waters which tend have the most depth.

He gives an impression of being in firm control of his emotions but this is often a disguise. He is sensitive, receptive, sensuous, and cautious all at the same time. He is sensitive and mature, wise beyond his years.

He always see things clearly, so he is not the type to be blinded by flattery. He is a kind and cool guy, but if constantly irritate with rudeness, ignorant, or stupidity then he will show you that he is annoyed. He is practical and emotionality upsets him. But if there is a logical reason behind this, then he will listen definitely.

He is neat and tidy, so his life always in a schedule, a fix time to lunch, the same time to go home. He has well knowledge about food and conscious about nutrition, so you won't see him eating a junk food, or strange and exotic food for sure.
His desk is always neat and if he sees small scrap paper on the floor, he will pick it up or put it in the basket. How cute!!!

He have a crystal clear memory and probably never forget special dates, though he may be a bit mystified as to why I think they are so important. He is not wildly, passionately jealous, yet he is possessive in the extreme.

He is very grooming in his dressings no matter whatever he wears either formal or casual. You can see that his hair is neat and unconsciously he touches his hair a lot. (Always want to be perfect.)

His desire for perfection and an enormous attention to details makes its success all the way for him, especially when work is concerned, he is a man that will always work hard to get where and what he wants. Time is precious to him and he is very punctual. He is a Badminton champion and as well as he is a MBA from a reputed college, working in a top level company. So you can understand how good his time management is. His intelligent and logical mind makes him a winning public speaker at his work. He has instinctive love of work, love of duty, learning skills and discipline & devotion. His extraordinary ability to seize flaws makes him very selective. His analytical and measured approach makes him excellent problem solvers and shrewd in difficult situations.

Give him a problem which is solvable and he'll attack it like a chess game, and often his detached insights are useful and constructive. There's also a safe feeling about him, and a love of truth and accuracy. He is not a daydreamer; he is a day-doer.

Sometimes he's very socially sensitive, and will avoid touch in public because he always cautious that 'somebody' might notice that he's not completely in control, or discover that he has passions. He's sometimes the sort of person who insists on hanging his coat up carefully before he kisses me, because first things must come first. Amazing self control, isn't it?

He is a true partner or husband..once he makes up his mind..and will be very affectionate and devoted to the family. At times, He is very demanding, requiring that I have to prove myself over and over again. He will also expect sacrifices to be made if necessary. This is a man with a quick mind and one who is practical and honest.

However, he is basically shy in terms of sharing his deep feelings and his emotional needs. But it doesn't mean that he is lacking in romance, at least in the cinematic tradition of moonlight, roses, and masked men riding into a cobbled courtyard.

I have never look down from my balcony to find him strumming his guitar and singing romantic ballads. But in the cold light of dawn, in the real practical world we all inhabit, he have a lot more to offer me than masked riders or lovesick troubadours. For me, he will still be there with the dawn's early light, with his silent love. In those quite hours he eternally adored me as Cinderella herself. He may not be the most romantic, but he had offered his whole heart.

His romance is not like the classical Bollywood movie way. There may not be candlelight dinners or roses, but he offers me loyalty and passion and the most important thing- honesty.

He express his love in a cool and calming manner on the outside whereas inside he conceal a quite intensity and deep sensuality. His love burns with a steady flame, never fluctuating and it will give warmth over the years with wonderful dependability. While I am very passionate and fiercely loyal with him, his feelings run deep in his heart. Both of us like quality and high mental standards in relationship. So it completes our harmony.

He has no strong yearning for fatherhood and tend to have small families. He wants very few children, probably only one. But once he will become a daddy, will never take his responsibilities lightly. I know, he will spend so much time to teach them the qualities, skills & manners which he have. Because he wants them to succeed in life and wants them to do well and go far in life and be as successful as he is.

He and me both value our solitude. I need my secret time for my spiritual powers and he needs time to relax his soul. This has certainly discovered a soul level bond between us.

A sensitive soul, with a very soft heart, intelligent mind, honest thoughts, perfectionist eyes, appreciable maturity & a lovable shyness... yes I am talking about you Sunny...

with lots of love...

Part 2:: How he came in my life-

I met his elder sister in the hostel where I live. In starting we often just pass greetings to each other as she was busy in her life as I too and I am a girl who takes a long time to mix with anyone. But strangely very soon we became closer, she often called me in her room to talk to me. As our conversations increased, I found her on a good mental level and then I was very comfortable to talk to her.

We talked about the studies, technologies, life, spirituality, sciences, families, relations and alot more. But I had never taken her as a friend because she was elder to me and I have a respect for her as my senior. She guides me like a senior and takes care of me as a sister. I was feeling like my long-long time desire to have an elder sister has become true.

Time was flying and after few months, it was a Sunday when we were taking lunch together, suddenly she said- “Muskan, I want to bring you in my family.” I had just silent for a moment as I had not understand what her mean. Then I thought, may be she just want to introduce me with her family. Her home was at a famous hill-station and I like heights so I casually said to her “Ok, I will come some time with you to meet your family and to see your beautiful city as well.”

She has seen in my eyes and then said “No, that's not my mean!! I want to take you for my brother.” I had started laughing because as earlier she had told me that she have only one younger brother and a sister, and they are studying in school. I asked her “Why are you joking? Your brother is too small for me.”

She has smiled and told- “I have one more brother, he is doing MBA.” I had shocked. So many question were there in my mind. “Why she had never told me about him while she was telling about her family?”, “Whats the reason that she was concealing about his brother with me and if it is true then why she is telling me now?” It seemed like she had make her mind about me and his brother from long time ago and she was judging me from so many months.

I was remained quiet as my brain was asking a lot of question to me. Then she told me his birthday date is Sept,1985. Whats your? I was totally surprised because of this and thought how can I agree for a stranger guy and even I had never heard about him so its better to not tell truth. I told her mine is Nov,1984 and I am elder to him.

I thought now she will not think like this. But perhaps God has planned a mysterious day for me that afternoon. She has totally determined to her decision. I was surprised again when she replied “No problem Muskan. It doesn't matter. You both have same interests, same nature. You both are like made for each other. Just meet him once.”

Still in surprised state I had tried to convince her “How can it possible? I am telling I am elder with him. Its not a movie. Do you understand what are you saying?”

But she was totally not in mood to listen anything. With all her love and care she assured me “These things doesn't matter. What matters is the beauty of thoughts and soul and you have a very beautiful soul and thoughts as well. So not to worry, just meet him once. You both will be a perfect match.”

Our lunch has finshed and our conversation as well. She left me in a shocking condition. I was totally confused how to react. I was remain silent outside but inside I was facing countless question from myself. And for a week I was in the same situation.

I was more quiet from earlier now. And she was showering more love and care on me. I had never asked his name and anything about him. But occasionally she had started to share about him. In little things to the important one, his discussion was following me every time. While we were taking tea “He likes strong tea like you.” While reading news paper “Wow! You both have the same choice of articles.”

Sometimes I thought what is going on with me. He was always in my mind. He had occupid a separate part in my brain. Sometime I got irritated that I will not think about him. But I was helpless. I had a cold war with myself which made me more silent. His sister was caring me very well but directly and indirectly planting his thoughts in me.

Moments were continuing to pass and converted in hours, days, weeks and months. His ghost was chasing me everywhere continuously.

An stranger was living in my thoughts, in my eyes, in my dreams and then in my heart also. No one can understand my condition even I too. I was totally fallen in love with a guy to whom I had never met. I didn't know how he look but I was very well known about what he like. I didn't know how he talk but I knew what he thinks.

Part 3:: First Meeting-

It can be strange to hear that one can love someone without meeting him. But I was in love with him through my soul. There was not any fear of separation. His sister has already assured me about him. My mind and heart were waiting for him. I had never imagined that I can love someone so deeply.

I had waited him for many months and at last that moment came. It was a lucky night of summers when his sister told me “Muskan, he is coming tomorrow.” A current had passed away from my body. She continued- “Be ready for tomorrow evening. I will come early from my office and we will move around 6 pm.”

Although I was waiting for him for a long time but suddenly I became nervous and tried to refuse to meet him. I asked her “Does its seems right that I will come with you? I will meet him some another time as I am getting nervous.” She had replied “No need to worry. I will be there with you. Be ready on time.”

We had said good night to each other and gone to our rooms. Is something good for that night? Yes, definitely. To whom I had waited for a long time was about to come. But I was so nervous. I was not able to sleep that night as there was a strange fear in my heart.

He was in train that night and every passing moment bringing him closer to me, without knowing me. But he was already in my soul. I was totally in love with him but I didn't want to go in front of him. I wished, I could see him without knowing him. That whole night passed while I was dreaming about him with the awaking eyes.

It was a lovely morning which had welcomed him in this city and in my life. I was nervous but very happy too. My dreams were coming true. Even last night I had not slept but my face was glowing. That day the Sun was more golden and the breeze was more sensuous. Whatever I was seeing was looking more beautiful. As everything was getting ready to welcome him.

And that day I had given a name to my strange beloved- Sunny. He was coming with the shining rays of the Sun, to give me more happiness, love and care for what I was waiting for.

It was 2 pm afternoon:: His sister called me from her office. She knew I was very nervous. She told me that he has reached and I had to be ready on time.

3 pm:: I was wanting to sleep for sometime but I couldn't. Why this was happening to me?

4 pm:: I was thinking to call his sister that “I am not feeling comfortable so I will meet another time. But no, she will be angry.” “I have to meet him. Oh God, please help me.”

5 pm:: “OK, its final. I will meet him but never tell him that I am in love with him.” I had selected my dress and then gone to take bath.

6:30 pm:: I was ready but his sister hadn't come till then. I thought to call her. But then I thought may be she will about to come.

7:30 pm:: She hadn't come till then. No phone, no sms. I thought they had canceled the plan. So its good. I didn't have to meet him. I had changed my dress also.

8:10 pm:: His sister has called me- “Muskan, are you ready?” I replied- “No, I was thinking its late now and you had canceled the plan.” Then she told me “No, plan is as well. The timing has changed as he is in the way from where he has stayed. He will reach here by 9 pm. Go and get ready.”

Then I thought “It seems, its our destiny to meet each other.

But then I was not willing to wear the same dress again. I had selected something casual, a red top and blue jeans.

Finally he came and his sister called me downstairs. He was in the lawn. Before coming down, I saw him from the window. Yes it was he, whom I loved.

When I reached in lawn we had passed greeting to each other and then, we immediately went out from the main gate. While we are in the way to the restaurant, suddenly his sister told him- “By the way “She is Muskan! I had forgotten to introduce you.” He said- “Never mind! Its our destiny to meet each other.

Rest of the way, I was continuously thinking that why he had repeated the same sentence which was saying to myself a few minutes before.

Was really our destiny bringing us closer?